
Banerji protocol symphytum 200
Banerji protocol symphytum 200

Joints feel so hot at night that you may feel like throwing off the covers in bed. So you may find painful nodosities on the small joints. Very painful joints and the small joints tend to be very affected, such as fingers, toes, wrists and ankles. This is an excellent rheumatic remedy affecting the joints. You can take both Bryonia and Rhus tox together! TIP: Bryonia and Rhus-tox are complementary remedies that work well in alternating or following each other. Here, it is easy to see why BRYONIA would be a top remedy for this condition The Synovial membranes line the cavities of the free-moving joints, and they secrete synovial fluid into the joint, which in turn lubricates the cartilage on the end of the bone so they can move without friction.īursitis is an inflammation of the synovial membrane, and it often tends to be found in the shoulder, elbow, hip, or knee, although it can also happen in other joints. Serous membranes are tissue layers that wrap around an organ or body cavity to protect them. it is indicated for joints that are red, hot and swollen it has an affinity to the serous membranes of the joints

banerji protocol symphytum 200

This is also the #1 remedy for arthritis of the knee and Bursitis.īryonia’s affinities make this remedy a very important one for any joint inflammation of the mucus membranes. The condition may be painful with bursting, stitching or soreness.Įven the slightest movement brings on the pain, and the complete rest of the part makes it better.

banerji protocol symphytum 200

This is for arthritis where the joints are red, hot and swollen.

banerji protocol symphytum 200


Banerji protocol symphytum 200